Other common injuries caused by running include: shinsplints on the back of the bone disc of the foot and leg (including the thigh and Achilles tendon)


A study compared runners and cyclists


Running or cycling? Five aspects will show you the difference between the two


The next table provides a reference for evaluating the amount of calories burned in an hour of exercise at different weights


Long distance riding may not help bone health, because bones release calcium into the blood, making them more vulnerable


Injury risk the knee is the most frequently injured part during running


In addition, other protective measures may be needed during exercise

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However, researchers still need to do more in-depth research on the impact of long-distance running on the heart


The following are the common injuries and pain of cycling: knee pain, headache, neck pain, back pain, wrist or forelimb pain / genitalia paralysis or straight pain / paralyzed foot paralysis or tingling


It was also found that walking to work also reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease


Cycling is helpful to relieve arthritis, increase joint lubrication, reduce pain and stiffness


According to the 2011 report, cycling may be less helpful to bone health than running or other weight-bearing activities


The distance for a full horse is 26 miles (about 42 kilometers), for a half horse is 13 miles (about 21 kilometers), and for a 10k is 6.2 miles (10 kilometers)


Running can also help improve cardiovascular health


Regular cycling will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and help improve lung health, stimulate body circulation, strengthen heart muscle, lower heart rate and reduce blood fat, A large study of 450 people found that cycling to work reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and overall mortality


The study suggests that in the long run, high impact activities need to inform the pancreas through bone tissue to help metabolism to meet the needs of the body


A 2019 report found that running can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and overall mortality


Even if you only run 5-10 minutes a day and the speed is less than 6 mph (9.7 km / h), you can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce the total mortality


Heavier people burn more calories in both sports, while lighter people burn the opposite


Benefits to bones running is more beneficial to long-term bone health than cycling, because running has a greater impact on bones than cycling


The muscles used by the two will be used in all muscle groups, especially the leg muscles, including: quadriceps (rectus femoris, lateral femoris, medial femoris, and interfemoris), posterior muscle group (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and Semimembranous) and important muscle used in running: quadriceps femoris, gluteus maximus (especially in Sprint), posterior muscle group, plantar flexor to the heart Both running and cycling are good for heart health


At this time, you need rest, ice compress and stretching to relieve the pain


The unit of speed is miles per hour (MPH) and kilometers per hour (km / h)


The following table shows a 70 kg man’s maximum calorie consumption while cycling and running


If you have old injuries, especially in the above areas, you may need to consult your doctor whether cycling is safe for you


The study suggested that the pressure on the heart of a full horse is greater than that of a short distance half horse or 10K


A study published in the journal Circulation in 2018 explored the impact of long-distance endurance running on heart health


After three days of intensive training, runners had more muscle injuries, muscle soreness and inflammation than cyclists


The study suggests that running at any intensity is better than not, and that running at too high an intensity has little effect on reducing mortality


Another study found that cycling is good for recovery from stroke and recovery of heart rate after exercise


Finally, whether it is running or riding, it is good for the body, but the harm is inevitable


You may have experienced pain in the medial tibia before


Compared with running, cycling has lower compression and impact on joints


Only by choosing the appropriate amount of exercise and exercise for their own physical condition, can we achieve the goal more efficiently! This article is from don1don, click


Another study found that cycling did not cause more damage to bone health than a sedentary lifestyle, but the researchers did not find the effect of cycling on bone health


The unit is pound (LB) and kilogram (kg)


Whether it’s cycling or running, the amount of calories burned depends on many factors, such as speed, terrain, weight, and personal metabolism


Cycling and running are both aerobic exercises which are very helpful for health and body maintenance


In addition, some people can ride a longer distance than running, which is also a factor affecting the overall calorie consumption


According to expert research, you need two weeks to recover


This article will compare the calorie burning, health benefits, and injury risks of cycling and running


By KingWay