The country track in Suichang “Oh my god, running is such a happy thing.

Click the blue letters on the top to follow our reference [1] HorgaLM, HenckelJ, FotiadouA, et al.

Facing you, there are lush green, sweet air, and girls’ smiling faces like flowers.

People in mountain areas work hard and suffer from joint disease.

He is good at diagnosis and treatment of bone and joint diseases.

The doctor who focuses on joint diseases is also a running man.

running shin sleeves

In April this year, as a “provincial county” talent, he was sent to Suichang County People’s Hospital (Suichang Branch of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University) as the deputy director of the joint disease diagnosis and treatment center.

OsteoarthritisCartilage.2019; 27 (11): 1721-1728! Instead, a “bar expert” doctor, looking up a large number of the latest literature, wanted to “challenge” the running world’s “big problem” question with authoritative information and argument: Does running hurt your knee?! In other words, when this idea came into being, the doctor was running freely among the green waters and green mountains in Suichang.

As an expert of “double sinking”, he hopes to help the branch establish a strong orthopedic team and alleviate the pain of mountain people.

How can I let the trouble of ‘injured knee’ stop the pace of the majority of runners?” So the Zhejiang Second Orthopedic Doctor named Jiang Lifeng decided to fight this problem to the end.


AmJPrevMed.2019; 56(5):664-672.[5]GayC,Guiguet-AuclairC,MourguesC,GerbaudL,CoudeyreE.Physicalactivitylevelandassociationwithbehavioralfactorsinkneeosteoarthritis.

Cureus.2019; 11(12).

Comarathonrunningimproveknowledgedamage of middle-agedadults? Aprospectivecohortstudy.

Even if he is busy with his work, he will take time to run 2-3 long runs a week.

“The air is good today.

[3]GesselT,HarrastMA.RunningDoseandRiskofDevelopingLower-ExtremityOsteoarthritis.CurrSportsMedRep.2019; 18(6):201-209.[4]DunlopDD,SongJ,HootmanJM,etal.OneHouraWeek:MovingtoPreventDisabilityinAdultsWithLowerExtremityJointSymptoms.

BMJOpenSportExercMed.2019; 5(1).

“With such good air and environment, it is a paradise for runners!” he said.

After the day’s outpatient service and surgery, it is the best way to clean up the tiredness of the day by going to a relaxing and pleasant run outside the house with the friends of the running group.” This is Jiang Lifeng’s “kukule” life in Suichang.

AnnPhysRehabilMed.2019; 62(1):14-20.[6]IbeachuC,SelfeJ,SuttonCJ,DeyP.Kneeproblemsarecommoninyoungadultsandassociatedwithphysicalactivityandnotobesity:thefindingsofacross-sectionalsurveyinauniversitycohort.

Since the “double sinking”, he has to stay in Suichang for at least four days a week.

BMCMusculoskeletDisord.2019; 20(1):116.Published2019Mar18.[7]WallaceIJ,BendeleAM,RiewG,etal.Physicalinactivityandkneeosteoarthritisinguineapigs.

The outpatient service is always crowded.

By KingWay