With the super burning music, as soon as the video is opened, the home instantly turns into a “gym”.

Aerobics, also known as weight-loss exercises, is full of vitality and joy with dynamic music.

Driven by the music, it is difficult to follow.

Every practice has a fresh feeling.

Adhere to the whole course, and the weather will almost start to heat up.

About 10 minutes each time, you can consume a lot of calories you eat, and don’t give food the chance to become fat.

Press the QR code in the figure below and immediately subscribe to the whole training program from elementary to advanced.

However, about sports, children often tell me that there is only one heart that wants to lose weight, but there is no perseverance to stick to it.

Find the fun of sports, stick to it, and be thin and happy! When doing calisthenics, you will feel slightly wheezing, but it will not affect the normal speech and communication; After jumping, you will sweat slightly, and your muscles will feel slightly tired, but you can get better soon after rest.

The course of losing weight is not boring, and it integrates Latin, jazz, ballet, boxing and other interesting aerobic elements, Combine passionate music with dynamic and easy-to-learn movements and aerobic exercise.

The sports atmosphere is not so good.

The peak of weight loss motivation is the moment when you buy the class.

Eyes: You know your hands and feet: No, you don’t.

Is it my business? Many friends have complained about “I don’t know why I put on two pounds”.

However, many of the movements in the aerobic exercise on the market seem very simple, but in fact, the requirements for body coordination are very high, and it will not take into account whether everyone can follow and practice correctly.

“Aerobics that can jump at home” from February 5 to February 7 only needs 80% discount and only 79 yuan.

It only costs 80% to get a hand and 79 yuan to lose weight quietly.

Don’t be afraid of it! This provides us with aerobic exercise, which is more efficient in burning fat than running.

Let’s help you consume more calories every day! Each class lasts about 10 minutes.

After getting familiar with it, you can use the following version of the video.

It seems that there is a private teacher nearby to guide, and you can understand it at a glance.

At present, you can’t stop talking about delicious food, but friends, you can enjoy it at ease.

“Buy it, practice it”.

After practicing step by step from the beginning, cardiorespiratory function and body adaptation, you can start a higher level training program.

In addition to the full-body fat-burning training, there are also partial carving exercises for the arms, waist and abdomen, hips and legs in the course, which can make the lines look good while losing weight.

It makes people feel very happy and happy, and the fat burning efficiency is also very high.

– Advertisement – In order to make more friends enjoy the happiness brought by this sport, we jointly created a set of happy and persistent aerobics courses with star private education Luxi Tong, which integrates a variety of sports and dance elements, and makes sports very interesting in combination with ultra-burning music.

While burning fat efficiently, you may also gain regular exercise habits.

“Aerobics that can jump at home” is a good lesson in the Spring Festival.

After a class, the extra calories consumed every day are just right! Other people’s busy eating hot pot during the Spring Festival gained 3 jin, and we lost 3 jin, which is 6 jin less.

In addition, we have designed two kinds of videos for each training: “explanation version” and “follow training version”.

Up to now, 67000+partners have subscribed.

running rucksack

There is a phased goal every week, and the difficulty is gradually increasing.

You can jump at home without any equipment.

It can not only completely break the curse of “getting fat during the holiday”, but also welcome the spring and summer.

Jumping up to lose weight and reduce pressure can be called “weight first aid”.

You may want to ask: Is each movement difficult? Can you follow the teacher’s movements? Don’t worry, the course has removed complicated skills and movements, does not need dance and sports foundation, no age limit, no equipment, as long as 2 square meters of space, you can jump anytime and anywhere.

Do you want to have new challenges after the completion of a whole training program? We reorganized the aerobic exercise and created a 21-day training plan: targeted shaping in the first week to improve the core; Improve cardiopulmonary function in the second week; The whole body burns fat in the third week.

The explanation video will break down the training action, what is the standard action, and what are the common mistakes…

Each class will not make you feel boring.

Think about the delicious food during the Spring Festival.

Have you stored up fat for the Spring Festival? He said he wanted to lose weight, but who can resist the temptation of milk tea, hot pot and barbecue? After the Spring Festival, don’t you want to treat yourself with something good? I swear to give up snacks every day, but I can’t control the order when I look at the good price of large festivals? A pile of potato chips, European bread and nuts grow up in the shopping cart.

You can see from watching a video that you can not only burn more calories in a shorter time, but also harvest a good mood.

In order to give everyone the motivation to move, we have arranged training programs from beginner to middle level and finally to high level in the course for novices.

Press the QR code to identify the following figure, and immediately subscribe to the introduction of a variety of aerobic elements.

Each lesson lasts about 10 minutes, and you can practice it in fragmented time every day.

Just looking at pictures and words may not be enough.

You want to keep the supervision, encouragement and motivation.

With music, you don’t need to have a dance foundation, you can move with it, release dopamine at the moment, and feel direct happiness.

You don’t need to explain the basics of dance and sports in detail.

Come and quietly lose weight together.

Don’t be too cool! Friends in need must seize this opportunity, and don’t miss it again.

You can also practice with them.

By KingWay